Vaginal Ring – What Is It And How Does It Work?


When we have an active sexual life with a stable partner and we do not want to use a condom or cannot use it due to health or allergy reasons, the use of hormonal contraceptives is an appropriate option. However, there are many contraceptive methods that we can choose depending on our tastes and needs. That is why we have to know well which contraceptive method is best for us. Among the birth control methods that many women choose to use is the vaginal ring. Here we will tell you everything about the vaginal ring and how to use it.

One of the most notable advantages that we may possibly like about the vaginal ring is that although it has similar effects to oral contraceptives, it is not something that we have to be aware of day by day since we only have to apply it once a month, instead of doing it day by day as it happens with pills, so if you are forgetful or do not want to be aware day by day of consuming contraceptives, this option is good, also, if you want to get pregnant later, you will not have to wait long To become fertile again, simply stop using the ring and in a short time your fertility will return to normal.

What do you need for Vaginal Ring – What is it and does it work?

  • vaginal ring
  • hand washing
  • Keep aware about the dates to use it.

Instructions for Vaginal Ring – What it is and it works

What is the ring for?

  1. The vaginal ring is a contraceptive method whose effectiveness can reach 99% efficiency as long as it is used correctly.
  2. It is a flexible and slightly thick silicone ring that gradually releases hormones from the cervix to the ovaries.
  3. These hormones serve to prevent ovulation and, in turn, allow the production of denser mucous, which serves to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.
  4. In this way, the woman’s body is temporarily unable to fertilize. However, after stopping its use, the chances of getting pregnant return, that is, this method does not affect long-term fertility.

What kind of women can use it?

  1. Before starting this or any other method of hormonal family planning, it is extremely important that you consult your doctor so that he or she can evaluate which method is the most suitable for you, since not all women have the same tastes or needs when it comes to find a good method of contraception.
  2. You must be aware of the advantages and risks that using this method can entail, that is why it is always important to do a medical review of our state of health, our needs, comforts and tastes to start this or other methods of contraception.
  3. Each woman has a different sensitivity and reaction to each other when we are talking about the use of hormonal contraceptives. In most cases, the vaginal ring does not cause any long-term discomfort, but as we have said, it will be the doctor who, after analyzing you, will help you choose the most suitable method for you.

What are the benefits of the vaginal ring?

  1. There are many benefits that we can find if we decide to use the vaginal ring, among which we can highlight the following: the vaginal ring is a contraceptive method that, when used correctly, can be highly effective in preventing and impeding pregnancy.
  2. It reduces the chances of developing ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Due to the hormones it releases, they can help prevent the development of these types of cancer.
  3. Also due to hormones, the vaginal ring can help decrease many of the symptoms that are present during the post-ovulatory and pre-menstrual stage, that is, the premenstrual symptoms.
  4. If you want to get pregnant, you can stop using the ring and in a short time your fertility should return to normal.

What are the risks of the vaginal ring?

  1. All hormonal contraceptive methods, no matter how good they are, can present a risk to women’s health if their use is not correct or if it is not compatible with the woman in question.
  2. Although the vaginal ring is a statistically very safe method, this is not always the case. Some women may experience discomfort or complications from using this method. These can range from mild discomfort to slightly more severe discomfort or health complications.
  3. Some of the complications or problems that can lead to the use of this contraceptive are: intermenstrual bleeding, colic, weight gain, fluid retention, headache, dizziness, cravings, decreased sexual appetite.
  4. These symptoms are not common, but if you use this method and notice any discomfort, it would be wise to see a doctor to assess your health and consider stopping the use of the ring or switching to another method of contraception.
  5. This type of contraceptive has no repercussions on long-term fertility; however, if after using this method you have problems getting pregnant, you will need to have a medical check-up to analyze what is the problem behind your infertility.
  6. This method of contraception is recommended for women who have stable partners, this is because it does not protect against any type of sexually transmitted disease or infection, so if you are the type of person who likes to have casual sex, sex with strangers or multiple partners, you must take the risk that unless you use a barrier method such as a condom, the risk of infection and disease is very high.

How can I use the ring?

  1. The use of the vaginal ring is quite simple. The first thing we have to do is get a new package that is within the useful dates, that is, that the package is not expired.
  2. We will wash our hands and open the package. We will remove the ring carefully so that it does not fall or slip.
  3. We will put ourselves in a pose that is comfortable for us and where we can open our legs a little.
  4. We will press the center of the ring until it is shaped like a number 8and we will introduce it vertically deep into our vagina. We will release the ring and remove the fingers from the vagina.
  5. You may feel the need to expel it or it may come out on its own for the first few days.
  6. In case the ring comes out of your vagina, you will need to rinse it with cold water, never with hot water. After this you have to insert it back into your vagina. If the ring stays out of your body for more than 3 hours or is very dirty, you will need to throw it away and use a new one.
  7. You must keep the ring inside your vagina for 21 days or 3 weeks and the fourth week you have to rest.
  8. That is, you have to remove the ring, throw it in the trash (in its packaging) and sit for a week without it. Don’t worry, during these days you will have your period and even if you have sexual intercourse, you will continue to be protected against pregnancy.
  9. After this week of rest, you have to reintroduce a ring; in this case it must be a new ring. Never use the same ring from the previous month, it must be a new one each month.
  10. It is very important to have written in a calendar or reminder, the dates on which the ring has to be put on and the day on which it has to be removed. Do not let time go beyond the resting time without using the ring, or it could reduce the effectiveness of protection against pregnancy. Nor should the time of the ring inside the body be prolonged beyond what is necessary.

Tips for Vaginal Ring – What it is and it works

  • You must accommodate the ring until you feel nothing inside you. When you feel comfortable with the ring then it will be well accommodated.
  • It is possible that you have certain discomforts when having sex; however these discomforts will disappear after a while of using the ring.
  • During the first days of using the ring, it is recommended to use another method of sexual protection such as the male or female condom, since in the first few days, the hormones of the contraceptive may not yet have had enough effect to stop ovulation, so there may be a risk of pregnancy during the first few days.


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