Swingers – Tips and Venues


The sentimental plane is a very delicate subject and that is why there always has to be good communication, and that this covers all topics, from the most personal, the daily and those of the sexual sphere, because all this is the correct and healthiest way. To lead a relationship and make it last. On this basis, each party has its thoughts and values, which must be mutually respected.

Today people’s conscience is more open due to freedom of expression and the elimination of certain taboos, especially in sex, that is why on certain occasions couples like to go further and that the relationship is not only one of two, but that there may be other possibilities of having encounters with external people, for whom they feel attraction and wish to have something more than simple friendship. However, it is not always so easy to carry out this exchange of couples, because one of the parties may have a different concept of what love and respect towards the other is, and they do not see these behaviors in a positive way.

It is fundamental, that if you carry out that experience, do not see it as something negative from the beginning, or leave with a preconceived idea that everything is going to end badly even before trying it, that is why you have to think well before things and be sure of the decision to accept or not that joint experience. Well, maybe you can surprise yourself and discover totally unknown situations that are pleasant and surprisingly very interesting. You should not stay with the curiosity of not having tried it, the best thing is to satisfy it, living new adventures, and if it goes wrong then look for other alternatives. Boldness and self-confidence are required, especially about your partner and their feelings towards you, knowing that nothing is going to change the union that exists between you.

Advice for the different situations that may arise:

  • You are willing but the other party is not. How to act?

Before doing anything on your own, you should discuss it calmly with the other party, if you do not know how to find the right moment, it should be one in which you have privacy and are calm, there you can take the opportunity to tell him the idea that is going through your head and what do you want to do.

You can start by saying that you think your relationship is becoming monotonous and that you want to explore and enjoy new situations, but you should not say it in an imposing way or as an ultimatum for sexual life, that is, you should not use the exchange in a way that the other person feels obligated to do it because if he doesn’t feel that you will break the relationship. You should always treat the subject with respect, explaining the reasons why you want to carry out this new experience, and then let the other party speak. Maybe your partner Know from close people or friends that it is not a good option in a couple because it ends up breaking the relationship completely, because fears are created, you stop trusting the couple or jealousy and subsequent discussions appear. Do not be discouraged, after having told your idea and listening to his answer, you can ask him for some time to think about it better if his answer is no, you can tell him to meditate on it or perhaps learn more about the subject, so that his doubts leave, and pick up the conversation later. Above all, it is important that you do not get angry at their refusal, because not everyone has the same way of being or thinking, so open on couple issues.

If after the time of reflection, you continue with the idea of ​​not accepting the proposal, you must accept it, because the relationship is a matter of two and the decisions are made by both parties, nobody can drag the other to do something that they do not like or are in against their will simply because the other party does not get angry. The ideas of one person cannot prevail over those of the other, especially when it comes to such a serious issue as meeting and having sex with another person outside the couple, without having their approval or knowledge of the encounters. You can always propose other things to encourage the relationship, and make sex different and enjoy it more, since it will always be an alternative to the refusal of partner exchange.

  • If you do not accept, but your partner does:

In the case of being the one who receives the proposal from your partner, but you do not like the idea because perhaps for you relationships have to be monogamous, and you do not believe that third or fourth people are the solution to the problems in your sexual relations, you must be sincere and not keep quiet about what you think. You should not take it as an offense, believing that your partner needs to sleep with more people to feel satisfied, because with you he is not. You have to be a little more open-minded and try to put yourself in his place and understand that maybe it’s just an idea he has, since maybe you like too conventional sex and he would like to try something else.

You can ask him if he has any problem with you in that aspect, and if he needs you to do your part so that you at least try new things, or fulfill some fantasy that he has, or try to find the solution to cover up the sexual deficiencies that both of you have. You can suffer after having carried out the conversation, surely you will have found out how to improve your relationship on an intimate level.

It is important that you do not feel bad or guilty for not doing something that your partner is excited about, since it is a very involved subject and that implies many things that you may not be willing to cope with. That is why telling the truth about what you think is always the best option, you should not do something against your will, and you must always be honest with yourself and faithful to your principles.

You can think of ideas so that the spark and the complicity in the couple are maintained, and rekindle the flame of passion and desire, and perhaps this way he will not take your refusal so badly and will be surprised to find out that there are other ways that are also good to enjoy to the maximum in the sexual plane and of its pleasant company.

Meeting and exchange places.


  • “Mementos”, located on Pena scales street number 1, has a quiet atmosphere aimed at relaxation, which is why it has the possibility of a sauna, background music, a bar with all kinds of drinks and rooms equipped to carry out the sexual encounters. Sometimes during the week nudist encounters take place.
  • “Karma”, Located on Called Orense number 16, is a very modern and current room with sophisticated designs, it has different rooms, where you can swim in the pool or opt for the bubbles in the Jacuzzi, all surrounded by a halo of sensuality that provokes the decoration with pink and red colors in many of its corners.
  • “Fusion VIP”, located at number 10 Cardinal Siliceous street, is one of the most visited places for exchanges, everyone who attends its facilities is very clear about the intentions with which they go there and they do not beat too many detours, although An environment is fostered where sexuality reigns, accompanied by music, alcoholic beverages, gobos practicing nude, among other things. It has a large swimming pool and reserved areas with beds.


  • “Six and Nine “, located on Avandia de Asturias at number 18, it is a room with an erotic atmosphere, which has a large space, and in this case, as its name indicates, it has two areas that differ in two floors each. With one of those numbers 6 and 9. It is specialized in the exchange, because very free and open people go to it, on the top floor there are dancers practicing pole dance, and a bar area with music of all styles, from On the contrary, the second floor is for those who already have experience or are more daring and go directly to what they want without detours, in it you can see nudism, showers, changing rooms and beds enabled for sex.
  • “Training Parables”, located at Called Doctor Albertan 16, considered a friendly club, for couples who want to live new and daring experiences and have fun. It has an exception that is that men cannot go alone unless they are accompanied by their partner; however, women do have the privilege of being able to access without company. It is a very fashionable place, which has many visits throughout the week and receives many compliments from those who visit it.


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