Non-Verbal Communication


This type of language in which words are not used, is closely linked to the unconscious that sends signals to the entire body and through its movements, the person expresses without knowing what is inside. In this way he is transmitting much more information than when he speaks. In communication, not everything is expressed by talking, in fact, it is in the way that is least counted, since the position of the arms, the legs, a look, a simple smile or a thousand other gestures, can reveal a lot of content.

With non-verbal language it is more difficult to lie, there are people who may be prepared or used to using words as a constant lie, while the rest of the people around them do not take into account other non-verbal aspects, so they tend to believe that this spoken message is true, when in fact it is not. That is why it is good to know what this non-verbal language is like, in which the person’s gestures can unmask her lays de Ella.

This type of language is capable of bringing light to the feelings and inner thoughts of people, however, you have to know how to interpret it very well, and link it with the context, because sometimes it can be confused. It is also true that there are very transparent people, who only with their face and eyes reveal their state of mind, or the way they behave in any situation, either because they touch a part of their body too much, or because they simply do don’t need to talk too much to know what’s wrong with them.

It has been shown that children are much more sincere when they are young because they are not fully aware of what they are doing, and that is why they show themselves as they feel, but the problem appears with age, the passage of time and experience in this case works against it, since psychological problems, complexes, among many other factors, inhibit the authentic personality, and mean that in certain cases the person is not completely natural but has an imposed and overreacted behavior, where he tries to avoid making some gestures and repress their feelings publicly. Therefore, the older you are, the more difficult it is to be able to interpret a person’s body language, since it is more inexpressive.

It is true that when you know a person very well, it is more difficult to be able to deceive them since they not only listen to you when you speak, but also recognize your gestures and the way you move, this can appear between family members, friends or a couple, because coexistence gives experience when it comes to knowing how to interpret the expression of the body.

Another factor that influences is the social scale to which they belong, since wealthy people tend to have a more controlled, serious and dry gestural expression, while those with a medium or low status are flatter and more expressive people. Education in many cases, especially excess education, causes a repression that triggers much more measurement of how to act and be in places, therefore, patterns are created that modify expression and there is unnatural behavior, and therefore studied.

Like everything in life, there are mental and physical therapies that make it possible to modify the language of the body, it takes a lot of practice and commitment, since it consists of dominating the subconscious and trying to achieve a conscious coordination between what is thought and what is spoken.

The way he usually uses to prevent other people from discovering if he is lying is by putting up barriers, such as when talking is not done face to face, that is, avoiding talking face to face, but rather through a written, a recorded video, a voice message on a recorder or through a call, in this way by not seeing the other person directly it is not possible to decipher if they are really telling the truth or on the contrary they are lying.

Among other qualities, women stand out for their intuition, which is said to be something they are born with, some develop it more and others less, but different studies have shown that, especially in cases where they are mothers, they tend to enhance it, since young children during the years in which they do not speak only use their body to send signals to their parents about how they feel and what they want. That is why women are better able to interpret non-verbal communication in other people, ahead of men. The exact reason why is not known, but it is believed to be something that runs in the genes.

What is part of non-verbal communication and what is its meaning?

  1. The look: it depends on whether it is a mutual look, if it is broken, if you look directly into the eyes of the other person or avoid direct contact, each of them has a completely different interpretation and all translate into aspects of the personality, such as shyness or self-confidence or even pride. It should also be analyzed if you speak and look at the same time or if you speak looking at nothing or at the ground.
  2. The face: it shows in particular a series of emotions that are surprise, sorrow, fear, anger, happiness or contempt, and to express these eyes, eyelids, eyebrows and forehead are used, that is to say, whether they lift, wink or squeeze, each one is linked to one of those emotions, which are often easier to recognize.
  3. The smile: it is a gesture that is normally used to sow peace and happiness; it is also used to imply that you like something or someone, to defuse a situation, or to encourage someone. Although there are also sarcastic smiles that usually denote irony or discontent.
  4. Gestures: usually accompany the person while speaking to express sincerity, emphasis, concealment or nervousness, when gestures are made, but remain silent, that is, they are spontaneous, they usually mean security or embarrassment.
  5. The posture of the body: here the joints are included, such as the legs, the arms, the hands, if you are standing or sitting, the way of walking more straight or stooped. The meanings are as follows:
  • Short and close distances: intimacy, trust and warmth are demonstrated
  • The back forward, with the legs, arms and hands open towards the other person: they show that they are an open and warm person who wants to convey what they feel in the best way, trying to create a bond of mutual trust.
  • The legs apart and the arms resting on the hips: it means authority and security.
  • The straight back with the shoulders in line: denotes imposition or domination.
  • If you move your feet, hands, or sway a lot: it means insecurity and nervousness.
  • Clenched fists: show anger or despair
  • Crossed legs: it is used as a method to seduce.


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