How to Talk To God


The first thing to do to be able to talk to God is to have faith in his existence and in his work. It is not necessary to have extensive knowledge about his acts of him, nor to have read the Bible several times, nor is it necessary to be a devoted attendee of church or religious acts. The most important thing is to feel a spiritual connection with him, and when you feel the need to talk, confess, ask or thank for everyday events that happen in life and in which support is needed, talk to him, because it does not matter. The place where the person is, or the way he uses to communicate, he will always is there for when the person needs him.

4 ways to talk to God

Talk to God out loud: You can choose a place where you usually go, perhaps a place of worship, a church, or your own house, in your room, the place does not matter, despite the fact that throughout life the tradition says that must be done inside sacred places, in reality it is not necessary to go to them to be able to speak with God. But those who feel that they will only be heard if they visit a church or monastery then go to them to talk to them.

The place you choose has to remain silent, and preferably be alone while you are speaking; avoiding being interrupted so that the idea you have in mind and that you want to communicate can be expressed at ease and without anyone diverting your attention to him.

The figure that you imagine of God must always be of a person, perhaps defined with the body of a man or as something somewhat diffuse surrounded by light, who has a series of powers for which he has made history in humanity, and for which you believe that you can trust him with your most intimate thoughts and feelings so that he can help you, giving you the answers you need or teaching you the path you must choose whether what you confess to him is good or bad. Despite imagining him as someone superior, you should also see him as a person just like you, who is close, kind, kind and affectionate., who will always try to send you the answers that you are looking for in him, but you must understand that everything takes time and that, just like you, there are many people who talk to him every day, so you must wait patiently for him to present what you ask for, and never distrust or think that he did not pay attention to you or did not listen to you because he always listens to everyone.

Another way you can talk to them is mentally, sometimes the words come out better when they are recited mentally, or simply because you see something absurd speaking out loud and they think you can express yourself better through thought.

Talk to God by writing on paper: Avoid using an electronic device such as a mobile phone or a computer to talk to God, it is better to do it with your own handwriting. You can choose a moment each day, perhaps when you wake up or before going to sleep, and you can capture it in a personal diary or a notebook that you have at home. You must keep this as if it were a true treasure, where you tell your daily anecdotes, your problems and your joys, because remember that it is also good to share with him, the good things that happen to you and thank him You should not only ask for what you think is missing in your life, but value what you already have and feel special and grateful for being able to enjoy it, whether it is for your family members, your partner, your pets, your work. Or your friends. If you give thanks for the good things that happen to you, much better things will come to you. However, when you are ungrateful and arrogant and haughty, that happiness may be reduced.

One way to get into a routine to dedicate time each day to find God and get out what bothers you inside, that you need to get out and share, is to set a time that can be increased if you feel comfortable while doing it. You can mark a few days a week maybe three and fifteen minutes during which you can write quietly.

Do not take into account if what you are writing is well or poorly written, the important thing is that it comes from the heart, above all you have to be able to write with total freedom. You have to address him as if he were someone you’ve known all your life, even though you may never get to know him, don’t be suspicious when writing about aspects that make you feels ashamed, just let yourself go and capture everything you care about. You want to find a solution or what you don’t stop thinking about during the day that you don’t know who to confess it to, God is the one, and he will read everything you want to write to him.

Talk to God through prayers and prayers: Although times have advanced, it is also good to maintain certain traditions, such as talking to God through the prayers of a lifetime that are taught at mass or in previous classes of catechism before making communion with eight or nine years. From that age children usually learn a few ways to be able to pray and thus reach God in a Catholic way.

You must choose a suitable place to be able to recite them calmly, for this you must know more or less what moments are appropriate to do so. The ones that they usually recommend at mass are those before meals, or before going to sleep, which is always a moment where no one interrupts, they are also highly recommended in those moments of overwhelm or stress, in which you feel that you have to talk to him to be able to feel at peace and relax.

You can accompany the moment of saying the prayers of figures, whether they are pictures, figures that represent a saint or virgin to whom you are devoted, or light candles and incense, if you prefer it as a previous ritual you can take the Bible and recite a verse or psalm that you inspire and make you feel good and prepare you to start praying later.

The way in which you can carry it out is how you feel best, always depending on the place. If you are at home and you have more freedom you can do it sitting or lying on the bed. There are those who prefer to do it in a more traditional way, which is on their knees, joining the palms of their hands and closing their eyes. But in reality there is no better way than another to communicate with God; you just have to do as you feel from the heart.

Share your moment of talking with God with other people: If you feel more comfortable and have confidence with friends or family, who also like to pray or perhaps you have met in a religious place, or a group of people with whom you feel affinity, you can stay with them to pray. In this way if you are inexperienced, you can always observe them carefully and listen to those techniques that they use, as they will serve as a way to learn and practice. There are groups of people who meet on Sundays to pray together since it is the day of the week in which mid-morning masses are held. However, it does not have to be the only day of the week in which you can all meet to talk with God, perhaps because some member of the group needs to communicate with him at a certain time, and does not want to wait for that. Sunday to arrive. Of the week. It is true that when things are shared with more people there must be a group agreement between all the members to always be able to attend all together to the place where the prayers are practiced, but nothing happens if due to certain circumstances some members cannot attend just the day that the rest want to meet. The important thing is that there is enough trust between everyone to be able to have a healthy relationship, based on help, empathy, respect and understanding. Well, if there are people in the group who don’t get along at all, they can end up negatively influencing the rest and causing it to dissolve. If any person in the group does not agree with any opinion or behavior carried out by another person in the same group, they should talk to each other and solve it as soon as possible, so as not to interfere with the rest.

A tip for those situations in which you find yourself with people who do not share the idea of ​​​​praying or talking to God, and use it in an offensive or mocking way towards you, you have to understand that not everyone has to think like you, for what you can ask that person to respect you and to let you act according to your beliefs, but that should not stop you from continuing to practice it as long as you do it voluntarily.


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