Open Relationships: Everything You Need To Know


You already know that monogamy has been a cultural phenomenon that changes depending on the society you live in, as is the way of realizing the relationships that each person has. Although for many centuries people who lived in Western countries believed that it is the only possible way to perceive love, there are people who can see beyond it. Keep reading this article Open Relationships: Everything you need to know and thus you will get rid of doubts.

Although in truth they have always existed, lately open relationships have been seen and naturalized as just another relationship being just as satisfying and healthy as the others. But the fact that it seems strange in our cultural environments can circulate many myths related to these relationships and the potential it has. This may be misleading and you may have low expectations of what they really are.

There are several types of relationship as a couple and all of them do not have to be based on monogamy. Coming out of that category are the well-known open relationships. These relationships are characterized because the components of the relationship do not believe in monogamy. They do not think that it is necessary to have a stable and healthy relationship, so through both of them they agree on the possibility of having relationships with more people.

These relationships can be temporary sexual with more people or bonds of stable feelings. In that category you can include polygamy, relationship anarchy or monogamy for a while.

Starting with an open relationship, the components of it have to change their mentality and how to live in that type of relationship either sexually or emotionally. Even if you are very convinced, this change is not usually easy.

Instructions for everything you need to know

Rules for having an open relationship

  1. Do you feel ready? A quick jealousy test will come in handy so you know if you are ready or not. Are you going to allow your partner to meet someone else to have sex? Will you be fine if your partner finds someone to have sex with and you don’t? What happens if that person is more attracted to you than you?
  2. Why do you prefer to have an open relationship? If you want to start an open relationship, you have to be very clear with the reasons why you are going to do it. Do you want to satisfy some needs with it? Are those needs intellectual, emotional or sexual? There is no mistake in any answer, but if you know the reason for doing it, it will help you to have what is expected in that relationship.
  3. Being open does not mean that it is wonderful: There are people who believe that in this relationship all the people sleep with each other without worrying anyone, but it is not true. You have to agree on fairly clear rules with your partner, knowing what happens in an open relationship.
  4. Excessive information: If you consent to have a relationship like this, you have to establish to what extent you can give each other information. In cases that communication can become difficult. When you allow someone else to be in the relationship, sincerity between the two becomes even more essential so that misunderstandings do not occur.
  5. Protection: It is quite important that you use protection when you have sex. Whether in a stable relationship or an occasional sexual relationship. You can have a good time, but you have in your relationship that responsibility to protect your partner.
  6. Friendships with rights? If you want to have an open relationship and have sporadic sexual encounters with more people, you have to make sure that these people are quite distant from your circle of acquaintances and friends. It is that the relationship with another person is merely sexual. If they are known people, they will carry an extra dimension of emotions, leading to jealousy and other problems with your main relationship.

What do you need for everything you need to know?

17 things you need to know about open relationships

-> having an open relationship does not mean that everyone has to have one.
-> Choosing to have an open relationship is not just about having sexual encounters.
-> When you say you’re in an open relationship you don’t ask for an opinion about it.
-> There is no relationship that improves the others.
-> Each couple that has an open relationship is valid in its own dynamic.
-> If you make your relationship open it doesn’t mean you want to save your relationship.
-> Just because you have an open relationship doesn’t mean you’re going to sleep with everyone out there like crazy.
-> Because you have an open relationship does not mean that there is no jealousy.
-> Just because you have an open relationship doesn’t mean you can’t feel betrayed.
-> If you want you can start an open relationship.
-> Just because you’re in an open relationship doesn’t mean you can start flirting right away.
-> Open relationships do not have to be abusive. The agreements must be equal and reciprocal.
-> Just because you have an open relationship doesn’t mean that either of you don’t want to start a family.
-> You have to be quite mature and have enough communication between you for it to function properly.
-> The important thing is not the rules, but the relationship.
-> Opening your relationship does not mean that there is no love between you or that things are going wrong for you sexually. Usually,
-> May there always be protection in sex.

Tips for Everything you need to know

Tips for open relationships

With these following tips, if you are thinking of starting an open relationship, you will know what elements you have to know and what guidelines to follow when you start that intimate relationship, as well as the mistakes you should not make if you want it to work well.

Start having a good relationship

In order to start with this new stage of relationship, it is essential that you have a strong bond as a couple, that the functioning is good and that there is trust and mutual security.

Sometimes it is not like that, but if the functioning is good, you will have more success than a couple that does not have trust and well-being between them.

It must also be said that it is not a good idea to start an open relationship if you have the intention that it will help for a crisis or a separation, because mistrust and frustration will increase.

Don’t do it compulsorily

If one of the two decides to start an open relationship, the other person may not accept without any commitment or for fear that your relationship will end by not accepting.

The purpose of starting a relationship like this is to increase your well-being and for both of you to be happier, so if there is no conviction or it is mandatory, talk about it with your partner because it will be better.

The first condition for the good functioning in the relationship is that both of you really wants it and is convinced to do it. If it is the other way around, it will affect your well-being and your relationship will probably end up breaking up.

Set limits and rules

As in any relationship, it is essential that you reach an agreement about what is allowed and what is not allowed. The implementation of limits and rules will not lead to confusion and misunderstandings and will give confidence and security.

It is highly recommended to talk calmly about these rules, also to say your needs. A good way is to leave it written somewhere and thus you will avoid unnecessary fights in case it happens.

It goes without saying that if it is essential to set some rules, it is also necessary to comply with them, if that does not happen you will be lying to your partner in any way. However, those rules may have some flexibility and can be changed to better fit your needs.

Have communication

Expressing and saying your thoughts, needs, emotions and ideas in a sincere way is essential to ensure your future.

Cheating, disguising or hiding your partner, even if you really believe that you are doing it correctly thinking about the relationship, will be a bad idea. Possibly sooner or later everything will come to light, increasing mistrust in your relationship.

Forget jealousy

If jealousy is not good in normal couples, in these relationships it is not good either and there is also no sense.

Knowing that the main idea of ​​​​open relationships is that one of the two elements of the couple can have intimate sexual relations, and then jealousy does not fit there.

If you are both sincere and comply with the agreed rules, there is no reason for jealousy or mistrust to appear.

On the other hand, if you are afraid that those relationships apart from yours will end in loving feelings, it is necessary to know that those open couples that are created and established well have more chances of succeeding.

Be honest with other people

If sincerity with your partner is very important, it is also important with the other people who have extramarital sex. If not, it is quite unfair to the other person that you do not know where you are.

It is very important for this person to know that there is a main relationship, also the agreed rules and so that person can decide if they want to continue with the relationship or not. Otherwise, she can be damaged and fights may also appear with all the people she has in the relationship.

Have time for your partner

Finally, the fact that you spend time with more people does not have to neglect the relationship with your partner. To endure in those relationships it is quite important to take care and protect your relationship on a daily basis.


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